Why Community is Key for Teacher Wellbeing

Despite containing the word “self”, self-compassion and self-care are not so easy to practice alone.

The more teachers you see prioritizing wellness and boundaries, the easier it will be for individuals to do, too.

Read on for 3 reasons why community is key for teacher wellbeing.


Monkey see, monkey do. Whether it’s conscious or unconscious, it’s common to start adopting the behaviors we see in others. If you see teachers prioritizing self-care time or a healthy work-life balance, it will naturally be easier for you to do the same and to do so without guilt.


We feel supported and safe. One of the top complaints that teachers say lead to burnout is not feeling supported during the school year. When you have a community of teachers that are receptive to boundaries and taking time for self-care, you can feel safe and secure when you take time to do the same.


We keep each other accountable. When you work in a team to include self-care and boundaries in the school year, you have a built-in accountability system, so you can keep practicing, even when the school year gets busy.

Worried about burnout this year?