You love teaching, but it’s starting to take a toll on your health

  • Your anxiety is at a 10. Even small tasks tie you in knots.

  • You’re increasingly quick to get frustrated with your work, your students, or coworkers.

  • You’re often exhausted but have trouble getting a good night’s sleep.

  • You struggle to eat well consistently during the day, but you stress eat at night.

  • You have little energy left for important hobbies and relationships outside of work.

  • Breaks never feel long enough to recover your energy.

You may even be wondering if you can stay in this career long-term.


If this sounds familiar, burnout may be putting your health and career at risk.

My name is Emily, and I’m a certified health coach who has spent the last 6 years helping educators build sustainable, balanced careers. Careers where the health is not at risk, and their stress-levels are manageable. I’ve been lucky enough to work with educators, private and charter schools, and school districts across the United States.

Let me tell you, I’m no stranger to burnout.

When I began teaching, I was a work machine. My coworkers and I would work until the building closed. We’d be at school before 7 most mornings. We spent weekends lesson planning. 

I’d look around and see everyone working at an intense pace—but internally I was falling apart.

The symptoms crept up slowly. At first, I blamed myself for not being “resilient enough”.

I’d go to bed drained and wake up just as tired. I would walk into school with a pit of dread. I was gaining weight from stress eating at night - or maybe I was just overeating because I couldn’t find time to eat during the day - either way, I started to feel more and more uncomfortable in my skin.

I was really struggling. But at least my teacher evaluations were good. 

I thought that stress, exhaustion, and self-sacrifice were part of being a good teacher.

My turning point came when I came into school the day after breaking my arm. I taught while distressed and taking insurance calls about my upcoming surgery between classes. And it took the severity of that day to realize I could not keep prioritizing school over my own mental and physical wellbeing.

I started saying no. A lot. I made lifestyle choices that prioritized the health of my body and mind. I made unconditional space in my day to rest. I listened to my body first, and I listened to my work guilt last.

In a process I didn’t totally understand at the time, my burnout symptoms started to disappear.

I started feeling like myself again.

To my surprise, the more I prioritized my needs, the more productive I became. I had energy in the classroom, with energy to spare after school. I was focused and calm when working with students. I didn’t get overwhelmed by my to-do list anymore.

Once I was out of my own fog I could see that educators around me were just as burned out.

Sacrificing their needs to be the “superhero teacher” – then crashing when they finally reached a school break.

So I set out to make teacher wellbeing my mission, becoming certified as a functional health coach so I could learn the in’s and out’s of how burnout attacks the body.

Fast forward 6 years and I’ve now helped hundreds of teachers address the root causes of their burnout so that they can have long, healthy, satisfying careers in education.

In coaching, I address 3 main areas:




REDUCE STRESS: What are the root causes of your stress during the school year? In this phase, you will learn how to set up a schedule that won’t burn you out, learn how to manage daily stress, and build firm, healthy boundaries. At this point you will feel as if a heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and you will begin breathing easier as you go to work each day.

SUPPORT YOUR BODY AND MIND: With my help, we will help you include daily habits to facilitate nervous system health and deep healing. We’ll replenish the nutrients and minerals that stress robs from your body; We’ll ensure you’re getting the daily rest and movement you need for long-term health. Tense muscles will start to relax, unwanted weight will start to fall off, your sleep will improve, and you’ll feel more like yourself again.

RECLAIM BALANCE: You are more than just a teacher. This phase is where we bring it all together so you can leave work with absolute confidence you can continue teaching in a healthy and sustainable way. We’ll build a schedule that supports your career, your health, your relationships, and more.

This is the work I love to do most.

To see educators prioritize themselves so they can stay in the career they dedicate so much of their hearts to. I want you to be well for years to come - for your students, your families and for yourself.

So if you feel like something’s got to give, I invite you to take the next step:


Sign up for a free Teacher Wellness Call to see if my Signature Program is for you



"I felt coaching was very liberating, reflective, and inspiring. I have definitely left the coaching sessions a different person than when I started and I owe that to Emily and all of the tools she has provided me with."

- Meghan H., PreK Teacher

"Through coaching, I have created healthy habits that have stuck with me through some very difficult times."

-Katilin R., ESL Teacher

“The accountability was very helpful. Knowing that I was going to be held accountable for a check in weekly, made me prioritize my goals.”

Alycia F., SPED Teacher

"By the end of coaching I was happier, better able to cope with the demands of teaching, and much more aware of how my own mind worked."

-Claudia B., ES Science Teacher

“The most significant overall change I have noticed has been a greater sense of calm about somethings just….getting done eventually.  And accepting that it’s okay if I need a break. I would recommend Emily to anyone who thinks they have even a passing interest in health coaching - it’s SO worth it!”

-Amy L., HS Science Teacher

“Coaching offered me a supportive presence during a challenging time in my life. I am grateful for the positive changes it introduced into my life.”

-Sheri S., Kindergarten Teacher

“I would recommend Emily as a coach to anyone who is looking to make a positive mindset shift.”

-Jordan W., SPED teacher

"Emily was great at helping me develop habits that served my goals. I learned a lot from her feedback on my food diary and felt so much more comfortable planning healthy meals for myself. I became so much more aware of my health/unhealthy decisions and Emily always made me feel good about my progress."

-Angela M.