Get Better Sleep During the School Week

A sleep-deprived week can be a rough school week. And that type of week is not unusual for many teachers!

Sleep and burnout are bi-directional: A lack of sleep can contribute to burnout, and being burned out can effect your quality of sleep.

The good news is, taking proactive steps to improve sleep hygiene can help prevent burnout and improve overall wellbeing in your career.

Below - Check out my favorite tips and products to upgrade your nighttime routine to get deeper, higher quality sleep.

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5 Tips for Deeper Sleep

TIP 1: Try a Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets provide “pressure therapy”, which can help calm the nervous system, slow down your heart rate, and prepare your body for bed. Studies suggest weighted blankets can help reduce anxiety, help you fall asleep faster, and can help prevent restless tossing and turning. Consider a weighted blanket that is no more than 10% of your body weight.

TIP 2: Take a Warm Shower or Bath Before Bed

Research suggests that taking a warm shower or bath an hour or two before bed can help you fall asleep faster. A hot shower actually cools down your core body temperature, which is a signal to our circadian rhythm to prepare the body for sleep. Make your shower or bath extra relaxing by using aromatherapy shower steamers like these. Prefer a morning shower? You can still harness the power of temperature change by having a hot herbal tea. I like this relaxing tea sampler by Yogi Tea.

Tip 3: Keep a Cool, Dark House

An hour or so before you plan to be asleep, start turning down the lights and temperature of your home. Turn off screens or utilize blue light blockers. Consider using an eye mask while sleeping or using light blocking curtains to keep your sleeping space dark. Research shows 65-68 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature for deep, restorative sleep. Keep a cool, dark house, and then snuggle in under your weighted blanket!

Tip 5: Practice Mindfulness

As a health coach, the thing I hear most often from clients is that racing thoughts, to-do lists, and ruminating on events from the day disturbs their sleep more than anything else. If this is you, try a mindfulness practice before bed. Try meditating to clear your mind. Consider creating a meditation space with a meditation cushion or this cute breathing penguin that changes color to cue deep breathing. You can also journal the thoughts keeping you up - Getting it out of your head and down on paper does wonders. I recommend this journal with techniques to reframe negative thoughts, ease anxiety, and support mental health.

Feeling burned out and want some relief?