Who's responsible for solving educator burnout?

On January 3rd, you can learn some of the top solutions to common causes of educator burnout in our upcoming, FREE video series. Sign up for “5 Days of Burnout Solutions and Support” here.

But when we’re talking about solutions to burnout, we have to ask: Who is responsible for taking action?

Is it Administrators? School communities working together? Individual teachers?

Below, learn why it’s important for all three groups to come together for change to happen.

3 Groups with the Power to Heal Educator Burnout


School Leaders. The leadership of a school community has a direct impact on the wellbeing of its staff. Leaders that react to burnout among their staff with compassion have better staff wellness and satisfaction outcomes. In our upcoming series, I suggest a few ways administrators can support the wellbeing of the teachers they lead. (Plus, if you are feeling burned out as an administrator, there will be tips to heal for you as an individual, too!).


School Communities. We are so much stronger when we work together. And when we come together and support each other with compassion and care, better yet. The work culture among your staff can have a huge impact on your own wellbeing. In this upcoming series, I will outline ways coworkers can help each other to prevent collective burnout.


YOU as an individual educator. While what we do in community and with compassionate leaders is going to arguably make the biggest difference for the health of teachers, you have the power to practice some powerful stress-relieving habits on your own. In our upcoming series, I will be sharing some of the top strategies proven to help you reduce stress and reclaim your passion and drive for teaching in the new year.

2 Quotes from Others


“The cure for burnout is not self-care. It is all of us caring for each other. We can't do it alone. We need each other.” - Amelia and Emily Nagoski, authors of Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle.


“Kindness begins with understanding we all struggle.” - Charles Glassman

1 Question For You

What are you waiting for? Learn these burnout solutions in our upcoming free video series! Learn more details here.

Share our upcoming event with an educator looking for burnout solutions! (forward this email or share this Facebook post with them)

Make sure to share this week’s 3-2-1 with a teacher you care about :)

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers

Founder of The Teacher Wellness Center



Thank you for taking a moment to join me, and for giving yourself a moment to consider your needs this school week. You can get more actionable ideas in my popular email Teacher 3-2-1 newsletter. Each week, I share 3 of my teacher wellness tips, 2 quotes from others, and 1 wellness question to think about. Thousands of teachers are already subscribed. Enter your email below to join the community!

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