The Teacher Wellness Center

I help teachers, administrators, and district leaders prevent burnout so they can have long, healthy careers in education.

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Teacher Wellness Center Programs

Get 1:1 Career Support in Health Coaching

Support Staff with a Burnout Prevention Workshop

Get Burnout Prevention Strategies Fast in My Ebooks and Courses

Meet Emily, Founder of The Teacher Wellness Center

Emily Hemmingson is a functional health coach and burnout prevention expert who has dedicated her career to supporting educator well-being. She has spoken and given workshops to education groups and school districts across the United States, and has coached teachers and administrators, both nationally and internationally, all with one goal in mind: Giving you tools to stay energized and well in the career you’ve dedicated so much of your time and heart to. 


"By the end of coaching I was happier, better able to cope with the demands of teaching, and much more aware of how my own mind worked."

-Claudia B., ES Science Teacher


“The most significant change I have noticed has been a greater sense of calm and accepting that it’s okay if I need a break.”

-Amy L., HS Science Teacher


"I have definitely left the coaching sessions a different person than when I started, and I owe that to all of the tools Emily provided me with."

- Meghan H., PreK Teacher


“The 3-month coaching program truly gave me back my life. Now, I am able to finish my teaching career with the joy I had when I first began.”

-Susan B, Special Education Teacher


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“Emily had information that was so necessary when we are all facing burnout…anyone who might be feeling burned out or overwhelmed could really benefit."

-Melissa Millington, President of the Southwest Missouri School Counselor Association

"Emily was great at helping me develop habits that served my goals. I became so much more aware of my healthy/unhealthy decisions and Emily always made me feel good about my progress."

-Angela M.