Teacher 3-2-1: On school year boundaries + self-compassion

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3 Teacher Wellness Ideas From Me


Forget bubble baths, dark chocolate and massages as the first line of defense in self-care. Boundaries can provide stability, clarity, and protection in your day. Boundaries (including personal, time-related, environmental, etc.) are the most powerful form of self-care a teacher can practice during the school year.


Stress in your day is a signal you need a boundary. Notice you feel stressed, find the main source of your stress, and think of the rule or boundary that would alleviate the stressor.


Setting boundaries is a skill that calls for daily practice. Be easy on yourself as you start practicing a new boundary and expressing that boundary to those around you.

2 Quotes from Others


“Compassionate people ask for what they need. They say no when they need to, and when they say yes, they mean it. They're compassionate because their boundaries keep them out of resentment.” - Brené Brown


“Givers have to set limits because takers rarely do.” - Irma Kurtz

1 Question For You

What is ONE specific, clear boundary that you feel would protect your mental and physical wellbeing this school year?

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers at The Whole Adventure

Creator of The Teacher Wellness Academy


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