3 Tips to Stop Worrying About School

Have you ever tried to relax after a long school day, but it’s ruined by nagging thoughts about what you need to do tomorrow? Or maybe you can’t stop thinking about that thing that happened earlier.

Teachers in my coaching programs often share that they have a hard time getting thoughts of school out of their downtime.

If you can relate, here are 3 wellness ideas, 2 quotes, and 1 question to help you keep the worries at bay, and get the most out of your downtime

3 Tips from Me


Keep your rest and work areas separate. I see how it’s tempting, but I do not recommend working on your comfy, cozy couch. Our brains are highly impacted by environmental cues, and your brain can quickly pick up the habit: “when you’re on your comfy couch, it’s time to think about school-related issues”. Create separate, designated areas to work and rest so that you can build up thought habits of productivity in your work area and relaxation in your downtime area.


Let the worries out. If stressful thoughts about the next school day persist, set a 5 minute timer and write all the tasks and worries down. This helps to empty your mind, but it’s also a helpful reference of tasks that need your attention when you do head back to work.


Practice mindful mantras. You can break free from unhelpful thought loops, but it requires consistent mindfulness. When you notice repetitive thoughts about school, try repeating an easy-to-remember mantra, or positive phrase, that represents how you would like to think during your downtime. Some mantras you can consider are “This is my peaceful time” or “Thoughts of school can wait” or “This is when I focus on family and self-care”.

2 Quotes from Others


“If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit” - Banksy


“Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength.” - Mary Engelbreit

1 Question For You

What action will you take to keep stressful thoughts of school out of your downtime this week?

If you enjoyed that, please share this post with other teachers who may benefit!

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers

Creator of The Teacher Wellness Center Membership Community


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