3 Signs Your School Culture Needs Boundaries (PART 2)

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This month we are talking about how boundaries are essential for teachers to create a happy, healthy, sustainable teaching career.

Are you clear on what boundaries you need for yourself and your community in the school year to come?

Do you know HOW to effectively communicate your boundaries?

We are answering both questions TOGETHER in our upcoming webinar, “Set Healthy School Year Boundaries”. If you haven’t reserved your seat yet, I recommend you do soon so you don’t miss out! Sign up here.

This week I am sharing a Part 2 of signs that you or your school culture need clearer boundaries. Check out Part 1 here.

Without further ado, here are 3 more signs that your school culture needs boundaries (adapted from Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab), 2 quotes about this topic, and 1 question for you to consider this week.

3 Signs Your School Culture Needs Boundaries (Part 2)


Feelings of stress and burnout are the norm. Getting to your breaking point is okay if we’re all in this together - RIGHT?! Wrong. We’ve normalized high stress in schools, and teachers and students are all paying for it. Burnout is a direct result of not knowing when and how to say no, unrealistic expectations and always prioritizing others over yourself. If you and everyone around you at school is under high stress, it’s likely the staff culture would benefit from a boundary overhaul.


You frequently daydream about dropping everything and disappearing. “Only 57 more days until summer break!” - I’m sure nearly every teacher reading this has heard or said some variation of that in their career. Or maybe when you do escape it all, you absolutely dread going back. If you get the Sunday night blues often, or have ever cried “BACK TO REALITY” after a vacation, you or your school community at large would benefit from setting firmer boundaries. Every teacher deserves a career they don’t need to regularly escape from.


You make comments about helping people and getting nothing in return. “She asked me to cover her lunch duty again - I’ll do it, but I’m not happy about it!” Burnout happens when we are giving far more than we are receiving. When we give and give, and accept little to no help in return, resentment and exhaustion are sure to build. Boundaries are necessary to protect your energy so that you can give your help (and receive help!) with a joyful heart, instead of a resentful one.

2 Quotes from Others


“You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.” - Unknown


“We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. Consequences give us the pain that motivates us to change.” - Henry Cloud, co-author of Boundaries

1 Question For You

REFLECT: Did you experience or witness any of the above signs last school year?

If you enjoyed that, please share this post with other teachers who may benefit!

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers

Creator of The Teacher Wellness Center Membership Community

Set Up Healthy School Year Boundaries with us in our Upcoming Webinar!

Airing live on Zoom Monday, July 26th, 2021 at 7:30pm EST


Registration is limited! Make sure to join us soon.

In this 1-hour workshop, you will learn:

  • Why boundaries are so important and signs you or your school community need healthier boundaries.

  • Common boundary mistakes and how to successfully communicate boundaries for a healthier school year.

  • My top boundary recommendations for teachers and school communities and how to implement them.

*All registrants will get 1 week access to the recorded class after the air date.

**Professional development participation certificates available to all registrants.

***If you are an active member of The Teacher Wellness Center Membership Community, access is FREE. For non-members there is a registration fee of just $7.



Thank you for taking a moment to join me, and for giving yourself a moment to consider your needs this school week. You can get more actionable ideas in my popular email Teacher 3-2-1 newsletter. Each week, I share 3 of my teacher wellness tips, 2 quotes from others, and 1 wellness question to think about. Thousands of teachers are already subscribed. Enter your email below to join the community!

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