3 Reminders for a Tired Teacher in March


March is notoriously one of the most draining months for teachers. State testing, piled up grades, and spring break feeling just a little too far away are all some reasons behind this.

March was always when fatigue, overwhelm and burnout hit me hardest as an educator, so if you’re there with me, you are not alone.

Which is why, this week, as we near the end of a challenging month, I want to offer a few uplifting, compassionate reminders to all my tired teachers out there.

3 Reminders for a Tired Teacher in March


You are not alone. Like I said, March is notorious for low morale in the education community. It’s an unfortunate reality that is more indicative of a systemic issue than a you issue. Feeling tired right now does not mean you are weak or a “less-than” teacher. It simply means you are human in an imperfect world.


This too shall pass. Remember that this intense work period is only temporary, and you’ll get an extended rest soon (spring break is coming or even already here for some!). In the meantime, the most compassionate thing you can do is give yourself mini breaks to rest and reset. Even though this is a more intense time for many educators, we still need, deserve, and are worthy of rest during it.


Even the best teachers are allowed to be tired. I used to feel guilty whenever I felt worn down. I would mercilessly tell myself that “good teachers” wouldn’t get as exhausted as I was. But the truth is, tiredness says nothing about your worthiness as a teacher. Tiredness is simply a signal that you are a human being in need of a little more rest - nothing more, nothing less.

2 Quotes from Others


“What we don’t need in the midst of struggle is shame for being human.” - Brené Brown


“You always were, have always been, and will always be enough.” - Desiree Kaye

1 Question For You

What message of compassion would you like to remind yourself and the teachers on your team of this week? (It can be one of the ones above or something unique to you!)

Make sure to share this week’s 3-2-1 with an educator you care about :)

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers

Founder of The Teacher Wellness Center




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