3 Questions to Reduce To-Do List Overwhelm


As an educator, you’ve likely felt overwhelmed by your to-do list at some point during a busy school year.

Maybe you’re even experiencing some of that overwhelm today - the list just feels too long for one person to reasonably accomplish.

If a long to-do list overwhelms you, you’re not alone.

Studies show a consistent habit of simplifying and limiting your daily tasks can result in higher quality work, less stress, increased motivation…all of which can ultimately lead to a more sustainable career.

So how do you start simplifying your to-do list? Keep reading for three questions that can help you reduce to-do list overwhelm.


3 Questions to Reduce To-Do List Overwhelm


Ask: Does this task need to be done RIGHT NOW? Write down everything that’s on your mind to get done this week. Then ask, what tasks actually need to get done today? If you have a calendar, move individual tasks to the day they will actually become urgent. Only keep tasks on today’s list that need your focus right now.


Ask: Does this task need to be done BY ME? What can you delegate on your list? Think through which tasks you can delegate to students, to a coworker or to someone else in your school community. If you can’t fully delegate the task, can you ask for help or for an extension? Finally, if the task needs to get done but is not very important, limit the amount of time you’re willing to spend on it.


Ask: Does this task need to be done AT ALL? In my time as a a health coach for teachers, I have often seen educators adding things to their list that are not part of the job description, or that don’t make a difference towards student growth. Ask yourself, is this actually my responsibility as a teacher; is this something that I’m even qualified to do? If it’s not part of your job description, or it’s not important for student success in your classroom, erase it completely from your list.

2 Quotes from Others


“If you want to fly, let go of the things that weigh you down.” - Kate Northrup


“Productivity isn’t about being a workhorse, keeping busy, or burning the midnight oil…it’s more about priorities, planning, and fiercely protecting your time.” - Gary Keller

1 Question For You

Using the questions above, what is just ONE THING you can remove from your to-do list today?

Make sure to share this week’s 3-2-1 with an educator you care about :)

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers

Founder of The Teacher Wellness Center




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