3 Reasons Why Schools Should Set Up Boundaries

In a recent workshop I was teaching, I got a great question from a group of school counselors: “How can we convince our schools that setting boundaries is important?”

And I get it. Schools are BUSY, and the general idea is, “We have to do more, more, MORE”.

So how on earth do you convince administration and teachers that the thing we need MOST right now is to slow down and lay down some limits?

Below, I’m offering three compelling reasons why your school should care about setting boundaries as a community.

And if you haven’t yet, make sure to register for our upcoming workshop, where you can learn exactly WHICH boundaries are most beneficial for schools, and HOW to start setting up those boundaries today. Register here.

3 Reasons Why Schools Should Set Up BOUNDARIES


Schools with healthy boundaries have higher teacher retention rates. Some of the main reasons teachers choose to leave the profession are because of long hours, challenging work conditions and lack of communication or support from admin. Setting boundaries as a community looks like having clear guidelines and limitations around workload, work-life balance and staff communication. The more teachers feel seen, heard, and safe within these guidelines, the more likely they are to be satisfied in their workplace and choose to stay on at their school.


Schools with healthy boundaries have lower teacher burnout. Feelings of burnout, or chronic stress caused by work, is becoming a crisis in the education field. We’re at the point where most teachers report feeling high stress most of the time during the school year, and the heartbreaking result is 10% of teachers completely leaving the field each year. Teachers with healthy boundaries, however, report lower stress and greater job enjoyment. When their whole school community backs up their boundaries, it makes it easier to maintain them, and makes it easier for other teachers in the community to begin practicing boundaries, too.


Schools with healthy boundaries have more productive staffs. Chronic high stress makes it difficult to focus, be creative, and apply problem-solving skills appropriate for the moment - all skills teachers desperately need for a smooth school day. Healthy boundaries lead to lower stress for those that practice them. When school communities establish a culture of healthy boundaries, all teachers reap the benefits, which results in a happier, healthier, more productive staff.

2 Quotes from Others


“Give yourself permission to set limits at work.” - Nedra Glover Tawwab


“When teachers set boundaries at school, it’s their attempt to continue their work with the school community, NOT an attempt to harm the school community.” - Emily Hemmingson

1 Question For You

Does your school already have any boundaries (a limit, rule, or guideline) that directly or indirectly improves the quality of life of its teachers? What are they?

Make sure to share this week’s 3-2-1 with a teacher you care about :)

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers

Founder of The Teacher Wellness Center


For only $15, you can gain access to:

  • Our 1-hour webinar, where you will learn which boundaries are most beneficial for teachers and school communities this school year.

  • A resource designed to help you lead a discussion on boundaries with members of your school community.

  • 1-week access to the class recording.

  • A professional development certificate of completion, upon request.



Thank you for taking a moment to join me, and for giving yourself a moment to consider your needs this school week. You can get more actionable ideas in my popular email Teacher 3-2-1 newsletter. Each week, I share 3 of my teacher wellness tips, 2 quotes from others, and 1 wellness question to think about. Thousands of teachers are already subscribed. Enter your email below to join the community!

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