3 Warning Signs of a Self-Critical Mindset (and why it matters for teachers)

“I feel like I’m a subpar teacher this year.”

“None of my coworkers seem to be struggling as much as I am.”

…These are a couple phrases I’ve heard directly from teachers this year - Can you relate?

Self-criticism is a common reaction to stress, but it makes it hard to bounce back when we make mistakes, it reduces productivity and…well, it ultimately just makes us more stressed and upset during a busy school day.

In my workshops and private coaching, I teach educators how to foster self-compassion during the school year because it is one of the most powerful tools to reduce mental stress

Below, check out three signs to be aware of that signal a habit or tendency toward self-criticism.

Flip the script and start actively practicing self-compassion this school year by checking out our ebook, 30 Days of Self-Compassion.

3 Warning Signs of a Self-Critical Mindset


When you’re feeling down, you tend to fixate and obsess on everything that’s wrong. Mentally exaggerating a problem or adding on to make a list of problems is one sign of a self-critical mindset. Self-compassion helps by encouraging us to connect with our emotions without minimizing or exaggerating them.


You tend to be intolerant and impatient with yourself when you fail or make a mistake. High self-criticism is closely tied to maladaptive perfectionism, which can look like beating yourself up when you don’t meet unrealistically high expectations. Self-compassion can help us heal from this hurtful mindset because it reminds us that being imperfect is an inevitable and normal part of being human.


When you feel inadequate in some way, you almost never remind yourself that feelings of inadequacy are shared by most people. Self-critical mindsets lie to us by saying we’re alone when we struggle - we’re the only ones who feel that way or mess up that way. In reality, almost everyone is struggling with something or feels inadequate at something. Self-compassion reminds us that, in our struggle, we are actually more connected with others than ever before.

2 Quotes from Others


“Healing takes self-compassion.” - Juansen Dizon


“Self-compassion can lead to increased motivation, less depression, more optimism, greater happiness, and more life satisfaction.” - Kristin Neff

1 Question For You

We all have an inner critic and an inner compassionate voice. Reflect: Which voice has been loudest for you recently?

Make sure to share this week’s 3-2-1 with a teacher you care about :)

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers

Founder of The Teacher Wellness Center

Practice with the “30 Days of Self-Compassion” Ebook


Benefit from a Self-Compassion Practice this School Year with:

  • 9 activities, 30 reflection questions, and 9 mantras.

  • A do-it-yourself calendar to guide you through the 30 day series independently or with your school staff.

  • Three, 30-minute professional development lesson plans to teach the 30 Days of Self-Compassion as a class series.



Thank you for taking a moment to join me, and for giving yourself a moment to consider your needs this school week. You can get more actionable ideas in my popular email Teacher 3-2-1 newsletter. Each week, I share 3 of my teacher wellness tips, 2 quotes from others, and 1 wellness question to think about. Thousands of teachers are already subscribed. Enter your email below to join the community!

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