3 High-Protein Breakfast Ideas for Busy Teachers

1 Egg Bites from Kay’s Clean Eats

Egg bites are so convenient - You can freeze them and reheat in just 1-2 minutes in the microwave, and they’re an immediate boost of protein to start your day. Eat them with your favorite fruit or some whole grain toast. Get the recipe here

2 Greek Yogurt Parfait

Simple but effective. Take some greek yogurt (ideally with 2% or whole milk) and add fresh fruits, nuts or a granola you love to make this a fun and easy grab-and-go breakfast.

3 High Protein Blueberry Muffins (that don’t use protein powder) from Healthy Fit Mama

Like the egg bites, these muffins are easy to make ahead, you can store them in the freezer to grab and go, and they use whole, accessible ingredients to get your protein kick. This recipe uses collagen peptides, but there is an option to fully omit that if you do not have that on hand. Add some nut butter on top for an added protein boost. Get the recipe here

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