Teacher Wellness Mistakes to Avoid

In my experience as a burnout prevention coach, I have often faced this problem:

Specific healthy habits can actively help teachers reduce school year stress…BUT introducing new habits can sometimes be quite stressful.

Even the best intentioned of habits will not stick if they cause you stress.

Below, find 3 common mistakes to avoid that are sure to make new healthy habits stressful, instead of energizing and joyful (how they should feel!).

And if you want to make a specific, stress-relieving wellness plan for the summer, make sure to join us for the workshop “Plan Your Summer Wellness Reset” by registering here.

3 Teacher Wellness Mistakes to Avoid


Starting too many new habits at once.

Any new behavior you want to adopt will take a hefty dose of mental energy until, after many repetitions, it becomes an automatic habit. I often see teachers get excited and ambitious about their wellness goals, especially before the summer (which is wonderful to see, by the way!). However, when that excitement turns into a long list of new healthy habits they want to adopt, it always gets overwhelming fast. Avoid this by choosing ONE new, healthy habit to start at a time. Only add an additional habit when the first habit feels natural (the day feels weird or wrong if you don’t do it). Learn how to choose which habit to focus on first in our upcoming class!


Going too hard, too fast.

The wellness industry often pressures this idea that intense work equals fast results, and that one approach fits all. But everyone is in a different place with their wellness journey. Someone who only drinks a cup of water a day may really struggle to maintain a new goal of 8 cups. A person who walks regularly might feel comfortable shifting parts of those walks to jogs; but a person who rarely walks may struggle to maintain a consistent jogging schedule. All this too say, make sure to get honest about where you are currently, and choose a goal that feels reasonable. Learn more about choosing reasonable goals in our upcoming class!


Choosing habits that work for other people, instead of listening to your own body.

You are a unique human, with unique ancestry, daily habits, preferences, etc. Because of these differences, the healthy habits that work for your friend, or the wellness guru on Instagram, may not work for you. Someone else’s 5 am morning workout routine might feel totally horrible to you. Somebody else’s low-carb diet might make you the grouchiest person on earth. If a self-care habit makes you feel worse, don’t do it. There are many ways to live a healthy life. Start to listen to your body’s cues and continue to choose what energizes you and brings you joy. Learn more about intuitive self-care in (you guessed it!) our upcoming class!

2 Quotes from Others


“Stop thinking you’re doing it all wrong. Your path doesn’t look like anyone else’s because it can’t, it shouldn’t, and it won’t.” - Eleanor Brown


“Find what feels good.” - Adriene Mishler

1 Question For You

Are you struggling to maintain any of your wellness goals right now? What adjustments can you make to the goal to set yourself up for success?

If you found this week’s 3-2-1 helpful, share it with an educator you care about :)

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers

Founder of The Teacher Wellness Center

Upcoming Wellness Webinar



Thank you for taking a moment to join me, and for giving yourself a moment to consider your needs this school week. You can get actionable ideas each week in my popular email Teacher 3-2-1 newsletter. Each week, I share 3 burnout prevention ideas, 2 quotes from others, and 1 wellness question to think about. Thousands of teachers are already subscribed. Enter your email below to join the community!

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