Teach Without Burnout 2023


Day 0 Email - We’re Getting Started Soon!


Our 5 days series, Teach Without Burnout, is starting tomorrow!

You can expect to feel more at ease, calm, and confident heading into school over the next 5 days.

Before tomorrow, head over to our Facebook group and fill in the blank...

“When it comes to maintaining good health during the school year, my biggest challenge is ______________."

​Here's what to expect after that...​​​​​

  • Each day's email will be in your inbox around 7am Eastern Standard Time. By the way, if you miss any part of the challenge, you can find it in the archive until Friday, September 8th.

  • All the action and support happens in our Facebook group.
    You can start participating in the group now to connect with your fellow challenge participants. Request to join here

See you tomorrow,

p.s. This is a community event, so the more the merrier! Send your friends to this link so they can get access to these stress and time management strategies too.


Day 1 Email: Support Steady Energy

Hi Friend,

Over the next 5 days my goal is to help you feel more at ease and confident as you walk into school each day.

To start us off, let’s talk about unapologetically carving out time to support your energy.

It starts out small - You skip your walk to finish a lesson plan. You miss your lunch for a last minute meeting.

When you don’t have a lot of time or support to take care of your health, it can be easy to let your needs fall to the back burner.

But having sustained, steady energy is the foundation of everything you do, and without it you can quickly become exhausted and resentful at work.

Try this strategy…

Schedule basic needs into your calendar like important appointments. 

Start with just your lunch. Reserve 15 minutes in your calendar each day of uninterrupted, mindful time to eat an actual midday meal. Eating consistently is one of the best things you can do to maintain healthy energy levels throughout the day.  

Head over to our Facebook group and share when you will take a break to eat lunch today

And let us know if this action step is easy, challenging, or somewhere in between for you.

I'll be LIVE in the Facebook group TONIGHT at 6pm EST to share The Top 5 Health Habits for Burnout Prevention. Look for the live streaming video at 6pm. Can’t be there? The replay will be available to watch afterwards.

Talk soon,


Day 1 Video:

Day 2 Email: Ease Overwhelm with Work Blocks

Hi friend,

Yesterday we kicked things off by reserving time in your calendar for your basic needs - Specifically, I challenged you to get serious about taking a break to eat an energy-sustaining lunch.

Today, I want to address a common stressor for many teachers: The fact that you could work literally whenever. Oh, and don’t forget that no matter how much you do, you could always be doing more (I know, I’m feeling a bit sick thinking about it, too). 

Let’s put an end to the madness, shall we?

Establishing specific work blocks for yourself does two things: It calms the mind by assuring there is, in fact, a stopping point to your work day, and it also encourages us to be more productive during work hours.

Here’s your mini challenge…

Reserve 2 hours worth of time in your daily calendar for uninterrupted work. 

I recommend setting aside 2 hours each day, but start with an amount of time that feels doable and comfy to you. This is your time for lesson prep, grading, etc - not your active teaching time.

Head over to our Facebook group and let us know when your work blocks will be today

And if this action step is easy, challenging, or somewhere in between, let us know why - I guarantee you are not alone.

I'll be LIVE in the Facebook group at 6pm Eastern Time to share 5 Tips to Make Your Work Blocks More Efficient…so you can have space for life outside work. Look for the live streaming video at 6pm. Can’t be there? The replay will be available to watch afterwards.

Talk soon,


Day 2 Video:

Day 3 Email: Confidence With Your To-Do List

Hi Friend,

So far, we’ve talked about ways to support your energy and reduce overwhelm with your work schedule.

Today, I want to help alleviate stress that can occur when you have too much on your to-do list.

The work blocks from yesterday only reduce overwhelm if your to-do list is reasonable - Otherwise, the rush to complete too much in too little time will become a new stressor

Today, try this…

 Simplify today’s to-do list by asking these two questions:

  1. What is your highest priority task today?

  2. How long do you predict that task will take?

Plug the high priority task into a work block(s). If space remains in your work time, choose another high priority task to plug in. Repeat until your work blocks are filled

Head over to our Facebook group and let us know what your highest priority task is today

As you may have figured out, when you do this activity you will end up with tasks you do NOT have time for today - So, what in the world do you do with those?

I'll be LIVE in the Facebook group TONIGHT to share What to Do With Tasks You Don’t Have Time For…instead of burning the midnight oil to get it all done yourself. Look for the live streaming video at 6pm Eastern Time. Can’t be there? The replay will be available to watch afterwards.

Talk soon,


p.s. Ready to take the next step towards a career in education without the overwhelm, anxiety, and fatigue? Apply for a free call with me by September 7th, and you’ll get TWO Stress Relief Bonus Sessions added to my Signature Coaching Program. Apply now

Day 3 Video:

Day 4 Email: Build Confidence Saying No

Hi Friend,

So far this week, we’ve been using strategies to help you build a more balanced, productive school day plan.

But what happens when curveballs get thrown at your plan?

Every teacher has experienced this. Another teacher asks for help with their lunch duty; A parent asks to meet with you last minute…

It can be hard to say no at work.

But here’s the thing: Whenever you say yes to a new curveball, you are inevitably saying no to something that was already in your schedule. 

So instead of “How can I say no”, the question is really this: What is the higher priority task?

For today…

If you are asked to do something last minute, PAUSE. Do not say yes or no right away. Request for a moment to look at your calendar. Then, ask yourself:

  • Is this request a higher priority than what you currently have scheduled?

If the answer is no, say no. If the answer is yes, say yes to the new request, and move the old task to a different time.

Head over to our Facebook group and let us know one thing you will be saying no to today (because you need to say yes to something else).

I know what you’re thinking: What happens when saying a flat out no at work isn’t an option? I got you.

I'll be LIVE in the Facebook group TONIGHT to share 5 Ways to Set Work Boundaries That Aren’t Saying No. Look for the live streaming video at 6pm EST. Can’t be there? The replay will be available to watch afterwards.

Talk soon,


p.s. Ready to take the next step for a school year without the overwhelm, anxiety, and fatigue? Apply for a free call with me by September 7th and get 2 bonus sessions with my Signature Coaching Program this fall. Apply now

Day 4 Video

Day 5 Email: What Energizes You?

Hi Friend,

In the past 5 days, we’ve talked about important strategies that can help alleviate stress and keep your health a priority during the school year.

But setting up a sustainable, healthy routine is only half the battle. The real challenge is sticking to it. When school gets busy, it can be tough to balance it all.

– Especially if you’re trying to do it alone.

In my Signature Coaching Program, you get support and accountability for your health goals, and you get personalized solutions to reduce stress throughout the year. Take the next step towards a healthy, long-lasting teaching career by applying for a free call with me.

And for today…

Take a moment to reflect on the parts of the school year that feel most energizing and enlivening for you. These are the things that absolutely must stay a part of your year.

Head over to our Facebook group and share with us just ONE thing that energizes you as an educator

I'll be LIVE in the Facebook group THIS AFTERNOON to share What Energizes Our Educators - this will include what you share energizes you today, and what past clients have reported energize them. Look for the live streaming video at 3pm EST. Can’t be there? The replay will be available to watch afterwards.

Talk soon,

P.S. Ready to take the next step for a healthier, more energized school year free from burnout? Apply for a free call with me by September 7th and get 2 bonus sessions with my Signature Coaching Program this fall. Apply now

Day 5 Video