Teacher 3-2-1: On taking the teacher hat off

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3 Teacher Wellness Ideas From Me


One of our teachers recently noted that taking more time for your needs can “allow you to be more productive and more present/prepared for your students.” Many teachers have this sneaking suspicion that taking your teacher hat off can actually make you a better teacher - so WHY is taking the teacher hat off so hard?


If you’re having trouble taking off the teacher hat, I recommend asking what limiting beliefs you might hold about letting yourself take a break from school at the end of the day. What do you believe taking that break would say about you?


Apart from your own thoughts around taking the hat off, look around at the culture of your school. It can be hard to take the teacher hat off because we see other teachers pushing and working at all hours. Or maybe you hear talk of school at all hours. Or maybe you get emails about school at all hours. It’s okay to set boundaries if you’re in this type of culture - especially if it’s harming your mental and physical wellbeing.

2 Quotes from Others


“If you accept a limiting belief then it will become a truth for you.” - Louise Hay


“Less criticism, more compassion. More grace, less guilt".” - Taiwo Kafilat

1 Question For You

How do you or would you benefit from regularly taking your teacher hat off?

If you enjoyed that, please share this post with other teachers who may benefit!

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers at The Whole Adventure

Creator of The Teacher Wellness Academy


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