What Teachers Are NOT

Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up next week! Woop Woop!

As I’ve been working with teachers like you this school year, I’ve noticed an important theme coming up again and again: Teachers want to be recognized and respected as valued human beings. Below you will find common themes that have caused some teachers to feel…well…not so appreciated - and I think that’s important to talk about! Can you relate to any of these?

I offer possible alternatives, but what do you think?

Here are 3 wellness ideas, 2 quotes, and 1 question to consider as we head into Teacher Appreciation Week.

3 Ideas from Me


Teachers are NOT superhuman. The phrase, “Teachers are superheroes” is pretty common and almost always well-intentioned, but it can do harm as well. If you have felt pressured to go above and beyond to help everyone around you, and you feel worn down and exhausted because of it, I’m sorry. Your exhaustion does NOT mean you aren’t enough. It only means that you are, in fact, not a superhuman. You are a regular, valuable human with the same limited daily energy all human beings have. What you do manage to do for your students, my friend, is enough. In the upcoming week, why not normalize appreciating teachers for showing up, being present and caring for their students as the imperfect humans we all are?


Teachers are NOT just a face on a Zoom screen. You are a human being with feelings and a complex life, and deserve to be recognized as such. If you’ve felt disconnected from any part of your school community this year, I’m sorry. In the upcoming week, why not normalize celebrating teachers for being the complex, unique, lovable people they are - not just a face on a computer screen or a persona by a SmartBoard?


Teachers are NOT martyrs. You should not have to sacrifice your life outside of school to be a teacher. You should not have to sacrifice your health, your relationships, your favorite hobbies, or your social life to be a teacher. If you have had to make big sacrifices this year in the name of teaching, I’m truly sorry. In the upcoming week, why not appreciate teachers who consistently model boundaries with work so they can take care of their health, their relationships and their lives outside of teaching?

2 Quotes from Others


“The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.” - William James


“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life.” - Margaret Cousins

1 Question For You

What would help you feel especially appreciated next week?

If you enjoyed that, please share this post with other teachers who may benefit!

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers

Creator of The Teacher Wellness Center Membership Community


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