Holiday Wellness Tips for Teachers

Hi everybody! It’s Emily, health coach for teachers and founder of The Teacher Wellness Center.

This December I’m sharing simple tips to make your life easier so you can get the joy of the holiday season without the overwhelm.

Stay tuned for more in my Teacher Wellness Newsletter! This post will be updated throughout the month :)

Tip 8: Give Yourself a Break

After watching the video, here’s your action step:

When might you include planned breaks and quiet time in the holiday hustle and bustle?

Tip 7: Add to Your Holiday Plate

After watching the video, here’s your action step:

How might you add a little extra protein or veggies to make your holiday plates a bit more balanced?

Tip 6: Keep Your Movement Joyful

After watching the video, here’s your action step:

Decide on 1-3 forms of movement that feel joyful and energizing to you. When might you include those in your school week?

Tip 5: Hacks to Stay Hydrated

After watching the video, here’s your action step:

Add just one cup of water to your daily intake. When can you consistently add this in and what will help set you up for success for getting more water?

Tip 4: Options for saying NO

After watching the video, here’s your action step:

Choose one thing on your holiday to-do list to completely erase from the list and say no to this year.

If you can’t say no, how might you Limit, find a Shortcut or Delegate that task or event?

Tip 3: Limit What You Say Yes To

After watching the video, here’s your action step:

Choose your top holiday tradition(s) (3 MAX) that you definitely want to be part of your holiday experience. Highlight them and plug a time to do them into your calendar.

Bonus: Ask yourself, what holiday traditions light you up, bring you joy, and energize you? Which traditions are totally worth the time and energy?

Tip 2: Write it All Down

After watching the video, here’s your action step:

Take 1-3 minutes to write down all the tasks you want to get done between now and the holiday.

Bonus: Write your list down in two columns. One column is school-related tasks, the other is personal tasks.

Tip 1: Choose Just ONE Self-Care Habit

After watching the video, let me know in the comments below:

What is the ONE self-care thing that makes the biggest difference for YOU?

For support to prevent burnout and reach your health goals in the new year, let’s chat.

Want teacher wellness gift ideas? Check out this post