Thanksgiving Self-Care for Teachers

Turkey day is coming up!

Below, check out 7 self-care tips for teachers over Thanksgiving break.

1.Nourish your body normally before, during, and after the holiday

Deprivation before or after the holiday can be hard on the body and nervous system. Plan to eat healthy meals that you know leave you feeling good before and after the holiday. On the day, mindfully savor your favorite foods without stress - After all, Thanksgiving only comes once a year!

2. Give yourself some space

You serve others a lot as a teachers. Maybe on this holiday you allow yourself some space so others can serve you. This can look like delegating a dish to a family member, stepping out of a family gathering for 15 minutes if you’re feeling overwhelmed, or saying no to a specific tradition you find you don’t enjoy anymore.

3. Stay hydrated

Sodium intake might be a little higher on Thanksgiving - That’s okay! Balance it out by prioritizing water intake - Maybe add a little lemon.

4. Move in loving ways

Moderate movement is great for digestion and mood! Consider going on a walk with family and loved ones. Breaks from school are a great time to prioritize movement.

5. Put away anything work-related

For as much as your break as feels right, perhaps you put the phone in the other room, turn off email notifications, and save replying to work messages for another day.

6. Rest

On a school break, you rest in whatever way feels best to you. Take naps if you need. Say no to social engagements (or say yes if they help center your energy!). Spend time in nature. Spend time in your comfy chair. Whatever rejuvenates and centers you is what should be on the to-do list.

7. Reflect on gratitude

Teachers deal with a lot during the school year, and sadly not all of it is good. The time away from school is a great time to reflect on what centers and motivates you as an educator. What are you grateful for at work?

What are you doing for your self-care this Thanksgiving break? Let us know in the comments below :)

Having a hard time with eating habits this school year? Reset in my upcoming program, 30 Days of Healthy Eating for Teachers