Gentle Reminders for Teachers

When we get tired and overworked, there are a few things that can happen:

  1. Racing thoughts become more common

  2. Our negativity bias gets more active

  3. We can feel isolated and alone in our struggle

If you’re experiencing one or more of these now, take a deep breath and check out some of the gentle reminders below.

REMINDER 1: Your students will be okay if you slow down and take daily breaks to care for yourself.

The idea that students will suffer if you slow down is harmful to everyone. I would argue, in fact, that students suffer when they see their teachers suffer, and they thrive when they see their teachers thrive.

REMINDER 2: Rest is not something to be earned - You get to have it daily, just by being human.

If we are hungry, we eat. If we are thirsty, we drink. Yet, when we are tired we can’t seem to give ourselves full permission to rest - without guilt and without second thoughts. Rest is like water, air, and food for us. We need it daily and in a variety of ways to thrive.

REMINDER 3: You can say no and be a good teammate - Sometimes, saying no can make you a better teammate.

How many times has saying yes kept you from doing your actual job? When our attention is split every which way, it’s hard to stay focused on what really matters. Say no to what isn’t part of your job description so you can actually focus on the strengths you bring to the team.

REMINDER 4: If you’re overwhelmed or exhausted, take a break and ask for help before it becomes a bigger issue.

Take a break, then take a moment to delegate tasks, ask for extensions, ask for support, and set a few more boundaries so that, when your break is over you don’t walk straight back into a situation that will burn you out.

REMINDER 5: Don’t break yourself trying to fix holes in a broken system. Let the system break if need be, but not you.

We need you here - We need good teachers to keep doing this heart-ful work. The only way you can keep serving is by making sure there is time to care for your needs, too. Choose your battles wisely, and always make sure you only take on the battles you have the full capacity to fight.

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If you love teaching, but are feeling at the end of your rope…