8 Questions to Create Your School-Year Wellness Resolutions

I love it when teachers make resolutions for how they want their classroom culture to be at the beginning of the year. After all, if you don't have a plan you'll never get there!

So why not take that same idea and make self-care resolutions for the year as well?

That’s why this week on The Whole Adventure Facebook page, I shared 8 questions you can use to create your own bomb as heck self-care resolutions for the new school year!

You can watch the video where I walk through each question here:

For my visual peeps and reading lovers, here are the questions to reflect on:

  1. What are three words to describe how you would like to feel physically this school year? [Alt: What are 3 physical wellness goals you have this year?]

  2. Looking at your physical goals, what are three habits you can incorporate each week to feel that way?

  3. What are three words to describe how you would like to feel mentally this school year? [Alt: What are 3 mental health goals you have this school year?]

  4. Looking at your mental health goals, what are three habits you can incorporate every week to feel that way.

  5. What passions/activities (choose 1-3) outside of school would you like to focus on more this school year? (These could include creative projects, sports, time with family, going on date nights, etc.)

  6. What are 3 ways in which you can ensure these passions happen during the school year?

  7. What are 3 things you want to do less of this school year?

  8. How can you reduce your time doing the things you want to do less of? (consider delegating, reducing your commitment, saying “no” altogether, or releasing perfection).

I recommend using around 15-20 minutes to sit down and really think through your answers to these prompts. Then put your answers in a place where you can see them often during the school year. You would be amazed what a little intentionality can do for your wellness.

I hope these prompts are helpful in creating your healthiest school year yet! Until next week :)