How to Foster Self-Compassion this Summer


You know those days when you wake up and are totally not feeling it? Those days when curling up in a cocoon of blankets sounds way better than each and every thing on your to-do list?

Full confession: I felt like that on Monday (and even a little bit on Tuesday) this week.

And that’s okay! I reminded myself that days like that happen for everyone, it’s normal, and it won’t last forever.

But I did not used to be so kind to myself on days like that. I would beat myself up for not crossing everything off on my list, not showing up for my students the same way I had the week before, and not having the energy to be my most positive self that day.

And (you might be able to guess) beating myself up mentally did not magically motivate me or make my day better—it would make everything WORSE.

So, this week I shared 4 questions I use that you can use too to foster more self-compassion on those “blah” days:

As always, for my reading crew, here are the four questions :)

Question 1: How am I feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally today?

Especially for women, our mental, emotional, and physical state is going to change with our hormones throughout the month. A reality of being female is that you will not feel the same this week as last week. Try to simply notice how you are feeling without any judgement attached and without trying to change anything. If it’s helpful you can write down how you are feeling or say how you are feeling out loud.

Question 2: How would I treat someone else who is feeling this way?

OR What would you recommend for a student, child, spouse, etc to do who was feeling the way you are feeling? Sometimes it’s a lot easier to show compassion to others before ourselves. Imagine someone close to you feeling how you are feeling and use that advice for yourself.

Question 3: How can I adapt my day to my current state?

It’s natural for us to go through days or seasons when we are more energized than other times. If you wake up super motivated and energized one day, plan more into your schedule. If you are having a day when you feel super creative, plan in creative projects. And if you are having a “blah” day, really look at your schedule and find the bare minimum you need to do to make it through. Save the rest for another day.

Question 4: What is one thing I love about myself?

If the day is looking bleak, and you don’t feel on top of your game, take a moment to remind yourself that you are amazing (because you are!). Have a list of things you love about yourself to use on those harder days. We always need love, but we need a little bit extra on the “blah” days.

These check-in questions have helped me a lot (especially on those days where I don’t feel motivated or just “off”), and I hope you find them helpful as well :)

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