3 Steps to Begin Healing from Burnout

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and on the brink of burnout, start here.

To take the next step towards a healthier more sustainable career in Ed, make sure to check out my free burnout prevention checklist.


Redefine your definition of success this school year. If the goals of an average school year are seeming unattainable and overwhelming this school year, no matter what you do, maybe it’s time to stop blaming yourself and start blaming the goals.


Set limits with school. This year, more than ever, teachers must set limits. Teachers are increasingly being asked to do more than is possible for one human to emotionally, mentally and physically handle. To protect your wellbeing, get clear on where your limits are, then take action to set those limits.


Get clear on where your responsibility begins and ends. Ever hear the phrase, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”? Well, you can help your students and coworkers, but you can’t do their work for them. You can give amazing lessons, but you can’t make a student absorb the content. Remind yourself that, while of course you want to help all of your students, and it’s difficult to see them struggle, you can only do so much, and that the outcome is ultimately up to them.

Comment below! Which of the 3 strategies above would you like to try this school year?

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