5 Self-Compassion Gift Ideas for Teachers


Self-compassion is a powerful tool for teachers during a difficult school year.

Self-compassion reminds us that it’s okay to struggle when things are hard, that we are not alone when we mess up or feel overwhelmed, and that we can be kind to ourselves, instead of beat ourselves up, when things are going less than perfectly.

AND studies show that no matter how self-critical you may be now, you can shift your mindset with a self-compassion practice. Self-compassion is a learned skill!

I’ve seen the power of self-compassion in school communities, which is why I’ve put together a little list of self-compassionate gifts you might considering giving a teacher you love this holiday season.

Want more self-compassion support for teachers in your school community? Book our self-compassion workshop for your next professional development event: Learn more here.

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5 Self-Compassion Gifts for Teachers

Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive By Kristin Neff

This is by far my favorite book on self-compassion. It discusses how to balance the soft, nurturing side of self-compassion with a more powerful form of self-compassion that motivates us, helps us set boundaries, and helps us provide for our needs. This book also mentions the power of tender and fierce self-compassion in our relationships, in our work, and even specifically for teachers in schools! While written with women in mind, this book has exercises that would benefit both men and women.

The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive By Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer

If you want to start actively practicing self-compassion, this is the workbook for you. It guides you on a journey toward a more self-compassionate mindset, and includes meditation and mindfulness exercises that you can practice formally and informally throughout the day.


These cards offer insightful questions to help encourage an emotionally balanced, mindful and compassionate way of living. These questions work great as journal, small group discussion prompts, or can be used in a meditation at the beginning or end of each day.

Self-Love Workbook for Women

For all my journalers out there - this one’s for you. This is a daily way you can start including yourself in your circle of care. Through daily reflections and practices, this workbook guides its users toward building self-compassion, releasing self-doubt and more.

You Are So Very Loved Coffee Mug

Not gonna lie - I’m a sucker for coffee and the mugs it goes in, and this one is a great reminder that no matter what is going on at school that day, you are loved and lovable. Sometimes - It’s exactly the reminder we need, especially when stress gets high.

I hope you find this list helpful as you search for gifts for the teachers you care about this holiday season!

Here’s to creating a happier, healthier school year - for you and all the teachers you care about :)

And don’t forget! if you would like to bring a professional development workshop to your school community that focuses on self-compassion this school year, make sure to learn more and book here.

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers

Creator of The Teacher Wellness Center Membership Community


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