Posts tagged teacher wellbeing
7 Tips to Prevent Holiday Stress (for teachers!)

The holiday season is all about peace, joy, and togetherness. Or at least, I like to think that’s what it’s about. So wait - When the heck did this time of year become chaotic, stressful, and full of distractions? In this post, learn 7 tips to help you get back to enjoying the reason for the season.

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Teachers Need That Too (A Mini-Series Advocating for Teacher Wellness)

I created the following mini series, “Teachers Need That Too”, to help empower teachers to advocate for their needs in the same breath that they advocate for their students’. It's pretty interesting how often teachers are in need of something similar to what their students do. I hope you find these posts inspiring as you advocate for your needs and the needs of your fellow teachers this school year!

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What to do this Summer for a More Balanced School Year

During summer vacation, chances are you are feeling relaxed without the stressors of school. That feeling of ease is what I help my clients achieve during the school year too! Here are 5 easy steps you can take over summer break, to help you have a more balanced school year (for both distance and in-person learning!).

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