A Self-Compassionate Mindset Can Help Teachers Do These 3 Things


Self-compassion is an inner practice in which we learn to be a good friend to ourselves when we are struggling. We choose to treat ourselves like an inner ally, not an inner enemy.

Self-compassion is a powerful mindset tool that can help educators struggling with high stress and burnout.

Self-compassion skills — like the ones educators learn in our burnout prevention workshops — can help you overcome 3 common struggles teachers experience during the school year.

Check out what they are below!

You can bring self-compassion practices to your whole staff by booking our professional development workshop, “Self-Compassion for Educators”. Learn more here.


A Self-Compassionate Mindset Can Help Teachers Do These 3 Things


Have the courage to set boundaries. Saying no and setting limits can be overwhelming, scary, or seem cruel when saying no means a student doesn’t get a service they might need. A self-compassion practice can help you recognize and accept your limits as part of being human. It can help empower you to stand up for yourself and your needs by reminding us that if a friend needed to set a boundary for their mental and physical health, we would encourage them to do so right away.


Let go of teacher guilt when practicing self-care. Self-care is important, but in a world where productivity is often seen as a marker of self-worth, it can be hard to boldly take that time to care for your needs. A consistent self-compassion practice reminds you that your needs matter just as much as the students you serve. It can provide clarity when guilt creeps in that taking time for your needs helps you show up as your best self for your students. It’s a mindset where we acknowledge that, as a human being, you deserve to be happy and well.


Get motivated to achieve your goals. Workplace apathy is a common symptom of burnout. Self-compassion can help you reclaim motivation and passion to work towards the goals that are important to you by training you to speak to yourself with the voice of an encouraging coach, not a ruthless drill sergeant. It’s a mindset strategy where you remind yourself that you will have your own back - whether you succeed or fail - as you try new things to reach your goals.

2 Quotes from Others


“Self-compassion is a superpower we can access at any time — hidden in our back pockets. We simply need to remember that we have this superpower, and then give ourselves the permission to use it.” - Kristin Neff


“It takes courage to say yes to rest and play in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol.” - Brené Brown

1 Question For You

Are you struggling with one of these today (setting boundaries, providing for your needs, or getting motivated)? What would you say to a friend if they were struggling with the same thing?

Make sure to share this week’s 3-2-1 with an educator you care about :)

Until next week,

Emily Hemmingson

Health Coach for Teachers

Founder of The Teacher Wellness Center

Book a Professional Development Workshop for Your Community



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